About Marimo Labs

Marimo Laboratories LLC is an innovation company located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

It designs products made from real atoms in the educational and medical fields.

About the founder

Ted Liao is a practicing emergency physician, inveterate tinkerer, and father to two incredible children. He has too much formal education (BS/MS Electrical Engineering Stanford, MD Boston University, Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency [HAEMR] MGH/BWH). He built radar systems at MIT Lincoln Laboratory and solar autoclaves at MIT D-Lab. He is still in denial about his entrepreneurial streak (MIT 100k and Global Challenge, Harvard President’s Innovation Challenge, MGH CAMTech, MassChallenge, startup).

Lately, he’s taken an interest in emergency department clinical operations and building out distributed additive manufacturing pathways.

Despite his curmudgeonly grumblings, he is optimistic that a humble approach and human collaboration can build better products and systems for all of us.


About marimo

Marimo are unassuming fuzzy green balls of algae found in certain alpine lakes. They make bubbles and float when they are happy.

Get in touch.
Let’s do some good together.